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Registration for Spring 2025 will open January 27th, 2025! We are still preparing our system as well as getting information on the field remodel timeline. Please continue to check back here for more information as new important information will be showcased at registration!
Player/Fan Behavior Reminders

Fines and Suspensions:

  • Yellow Card: There is a $5.00 fine per yellow card.
  • Red Card: There is a $10.00 fine per red card.
  • Fines must be paid to the game referee before the next match. Failure to pay fines results in the player being ineligible for play.
  • A red card or an accumulation of 4 yellow cards within a season will result in a player's one match suspension.
  • Cards issued in the final game of the season will carry over to the next season in which the player registers, including any suspensions.


Specific Penalties for Serious Offenses:

  • Assaulting a Referee: Up to a $100.00 fine and a minimum suspension of 1 year.
  • Insulting or Physical Contact with a Referee: Up to a $50.00 fine and a minimum suspension of 6 months.
  • Fighting: Up to a $100.00 fine and an immediate suspension of 1 year.
  • Further actions, including additional fines or extended suspensions, may be taken by the League Executive Committee.


Accumulation of Cards:

  • A red card or accumulating four yellow cards within a season will lead to a one-match suspension for the player.
  • A player must sit out an actual played game; suspensions do not apply to forfeits.
  • If a suspended player participates in any games, their team will forfeit all such games.
  • Further actions, including additional fines or extended suspensions, may be taken by the League Executive Committee.


Team Disqualification for Fighting:

  • Teams can face suspension for the remainder of the season or longer without a refund if involved in starting, joining a fight, or assaulting a referee or league official. This applies to incidents before, during, or after a game.


We have observed an increase in the number of cards being issued for sliding tackles. Sliding is defined as leaving your feet and going to the ground to play the ball, regardless of whether there are other players nearby. This rule does not apply to players who are fouled and fall as a result.

Goalkeepers are permitted to slide within the parameters set by the FIFA "Laws of the Game and Universal Guide for Referees."

If players persist in sliding, considering it only merits a yellow card, we will escalate the penalty for sliding to an automatic red card. The league's decision on this matter will be final and non-negotiable.

Refund Policy
Once the season has started and games have been played, no refunds will be given since many of our expenses are paid at the beginning of the season. BCSSL does, however, reserve the right to handle each case on an individual basis.
Insurance Claim Form
If you or a teammate gets injured and wants to file a claim with US Club Soccer to see about getting some coverage, please go visit www.usclubsoccer.org/forms-documents. Click on the section about Insurance Claim Verification. Fill out all their needed info and submit to them, not the BCSSL. We have nothing to do with claims.
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Thursday, November 21, 2024 
The mission of the BCSSL is to provide a safe and fun environment for adults to play organized soccer in Bryan/College Station. We will provide a forum for players and corporations interested in soccer and athletics to enjoy playing “The Great Game” in an environment of good sportsmanship and friendly competition...
Copyright ©2003-2025 Bryan/College Station Soccer League. All rights reserved.